

时间:2018-9-17 15:50:39点击率: 6040


    Founded in 1969, College of the Canyons (COC) is a two-year public community university that combines an excellent education system with a mature transfer system, recognized by the Ministry of Education and certified by the Western University Colleges alliance (WASC) to become one of California's most popular community universities with a safe and comfortable environment and high-quality teaching.
      COC坐落在一个环境优美的小城,Santa Clarita,位于加州洛杉矶东北部 35英里处,这里气候宜人,到处洋溢着加州风情,全年平均温度 21度,四季如春,并且被评为加州最安全的城市之一。

Located in a beautiful town, Santa Clarita, 35 miles northeast of Los Angeles, California, the COC is found in a pleasant area, full of Californian life, with an average annual temperature of 21 degrees, spring-like seasons, and has been named one of the safest cities in the state.

Since its establishment, the college has not only offered 76 associate degree programs and 66 vocational certification courses in special fields, but also focused on the standards of general and basic courses, and has become one of the nation's top community universities with its outstanding teaching quality and having one of the top 3 successful transfer rates in the state.

    与同类院校相比,COC有更多的学生转学到UCLAUC BerkeleyUC San Diego,更有大量的学生转至CSU大学体系,以及加州和全美的著名公立和私立学府。因此吸引了大量来自美国国内和国际学生入学峡谷大学。目前学院参加学习的学生约为25000人,包括来自世界各地的51个国家的留学生。据最新数据统计显示,2016年成功转学率已达100%

   Compared to comparable institutions, the COC has more students transferred to UCLA, UC Berkeley, and UC San Diego, and a large number of students to the CSU university system, as well as prestigious public and private institutions in California and across the United States. As a result, a large number of students from the United States and abroad are enrolled at the College of the Canyons. There are currently about 25,000 students enrolled in the Academy, including international students from 51 countries from around the world. According to the latest statistics, the successful transfer rate in 2016 has reached 100%.